Clarisonic Deep Pore Cleansing Head

Saturday, August 22, 2015

I've spoken about my love for my Clarisonic many times. I have the Clarisonic Aria (£155) which is great for travelling.
Since I got it around a year ago I've used it more or less every day (unless I forget to charge it).
You can get lots of different brush heads for it and I usually just go for the Clarisonic Normal Skin Brush Head (£21.00) which is included in the box.
Recently I've felt I needed a bit more of a scrubbing so picked up the Clarisonic Deep Pore Cleansing Brush Head (£21.00) from Debenhams.

At first I thought the deep pore brush might be a little harsh on my skin but my worries were unfounded as its perfect. It doesn't irritate my skin and leaves it feeling incredibly clean.
The brush itself is made up of two different types of bristles. The white are a little softer and the blue are made up of slightly more dense fibers.
I have a lot of blocked pores around my nose area and after around a week of use they have nearly vanished completely.
I definitely prefer it to the normal for times when my skin needs an extra boost. Usually around this time of the year when the air con is blasting in the office my skin looks a little dull; Not anymore!

If you haven't used a Clarisonic before I'd highly recommend it. Even for someone like me who has no major skin concerns I guarantee you will see and feel a difference. A little pricey but 100% worth it from me.  

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